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  • barbara brackman
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March 5, 2025
Sestercentennial Sampler Month 2 from Nestlings By Robin

 Hello everyone!
I am excited that we are off to a great start.
Please share your progress over in 
FB group.
I bet many of you made 
Betsy Ross proud as you stitched
all those stars:)

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June 22, 2021
"Ladies Legacy, de nieuwe collectie van Barbara Brackman" from Supergoof Quilts


Vanmorgen waren deze Goof en haar collega's,
al vroeg in de Supergoof Quiltwinkel.

Enerzijds om wat stofjes weg te werken in de winkel,...

 En anderzijds omdat we het busje met nieuwe stoffen verwachten 
En jawel,
die stofjes mochten de winkel binnen wandelen.

Het is de nieuwe collectie van Barbara Brackman,

Ladies Legacy.

Ze zijn beeldschoon deze Moda stoffen.
Wat kun je toch flieft zijn op lapjes,....

Fijne dinsdag lieve allemaal,

groetjes van Goof.

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November 19, 2020
Must have book for every quilter from Moda Lissa

stock # EQ B-ENCYC

If there is one book of mine that I have completely worn out the pages, hands down it has to be Barbara Brackman’s ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PIECED QUILT PATTERNS. I could not have been more excited when Barbara told me she was going to be making the 3rd edition.  I have been stalking both Barbara and Electric Quilt Company so I would not miss out on any update. Well the time is getting really really close to when I am able to get my hands on the actual book. Merry Christmas to me!!

And if you are ...

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August 24, 2020
Zigzag Quilt- Sisterhood of Scraps from Moda Lissa

Orange Zigzag

It is finally finished. I had made the goal to share this before the first pumpkins were out and I think I made it.


When I asked some of my friends to join me in the Sisterhood of Scraps project, I was very honored that Barbara Brackman said YES. She shared her Orange Zig Zag antique quilt that had been on my bucket list to make. There was no time like the present to reproduce her version.

I am in love and I can cross something off my bucket list.

I am ready for the pumpkins.

Aren’t ...

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May 29, 2020
Orange Zig Zag by Barbara Brackman from Moda Lissa

If you have been following along on my Sisterhood of Scraps stories, then you probably know about my love of the color Orange.

One of the Orange quilts that have been on my “MUST MAKE Pinterest Board” is this antique quilt from Barbara Brackman’s quilt collection. I was so excited when she let me include it in the Sisterhood series of books. Then comes along All Hallow’s Eve by Fig Tree and Co, and I became obsessed with the orange’s in this collection, the color is officially named pumpkin. Not too bright or not too orange….just ...

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March 22, 2020
The Beastly Y-Seam Block Has a Name: Cathedral Window by Nancy Cabot, 1933 Chicago Tribune from Cheeky Cognoscenti

When I was recreating, resizing, recoloring and revising the Moda Modern Building Blocks Sampler in EQ8 Quilt Design Software, swapping out some of the blocks for others in my EQ Block Library, I didn't pay much attention to the information contained in the software "notecard" for each block.  After toiling away at all of these Y-seams, however, I was curious about where this block I'm making came from and I went back to my software to find out.

Cathedral Window by Nancy Cabot, Originally Published in 1933 Chicago Tribune

The 20" block I'm currently working on was ...

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January 31, 2020
Sisterhood of Scraps- Barbara Brackman from Moda Lissa

Hello all,

I want to Welcome Barbara Brackman today as she does a guest post about her quilt in my new book, Sisterhood of Scraps.

“When Using Stripes and Plaids Buy Extra Fabric to Match.”

Someone ignored that good old HomeEc advice to make the Orange Zig-Zag. Lucky for us.

The quilt top came from a Topeka, Kansas thrift store in the 1970s. I asked church ladies in Garnett, Kansas to hand quilt it in the ‘80s. I’d guess the quilt dates to about 1920 due to two fabric style characteristics. The oranges are all cut from the same ...

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October 10, 2019
When the Unknown Surprises You! from Telling Stories Through the Needle's Eye

As we have shared in the past, Teri and I (Kara) are novice quilt collectors. We started with a few quilts that we inherited and picked up a few here and there as we wander the antique malls—one of our absolute favorite things to do together! A few of those inherited and purchased quilts have been shared on the blog (you can read about them by clicking on the links at the end of this post). Over here in Germany, there are not many antique quilts to be found, so I have formed a habit, albeit not necessarily a ...

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  • barbara brackman
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